Thursday, June 11, 2020

Session 19- Extreme Weather!

It was Annalisa Renee's choice of theme for session 19 and she chose Extreme Weather! Brrr! Gasp! Shiver! Sweat! AAAAAAARRRRGGGHHH! So our diverse and dispersed group of resident geniuses came up with the following interpretations of that subject!
Renowned iconoclast and peripatetic painter- Alan Bartlett missed the live session but, nonetheless produced this magnificent image of a tall modern city being subject to the excessive, enthusiastic bombastic bombardments of nature at its most irate! Fabulous!

And by complete contrast Anna Lindenberger who also missed the live session came up with this peacefully sleeping cowboy.
She said that she tried to make it look really hot so I boosted the saturation a bit. I asked was he drunk or dead or dead drunk? And she replied- the latter! That's one way to escape from reality, I guess! dream on, cowpoke!

Anna K Lange was actually at the session during which she produced this striking image  which she calls A Two Fish Drama in one Act! Quite how that relates to extreme weather is beyond me but like all artists, she ploughs her own furrow.
Plough on Shrimp!

Julia Xandru was also present during the hour of scribbling and daubing and she came up with these dazzlingly colourful images. Again, I'm a bit pushed to see how they relate to the theme but they are gorgeous paintings and that's good enough for me, Jools!

There's absolutely no doubt about the relevance of Annalisa Renee's image (well she did pick the subject!)
of a storm-lashed lighthouse (Seaham Lighthouse on the North Sea). This image is so strong you can almost hear the roar and smell the ozone (or is that my deodorant?) Fabulous! 
And by contrast, also by Annalisa is this tranquil scene of another lighthouse sailing off for a week's holiday on the Isle of Mull in Scotland. 

Now my oblique contribution. I thought I'd be a smart-arse and interpret the subject in a lateral fashion so here's a caricature of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber as The Phantom of the Opera unmasking himself and scaring the pants off (not visualised!) a young lady ably modelled for me during the session by Jools! Do ya geddit? NO? well it's an- Extreme Webber! Oh, well. please yerselves!
A pencil sketch from Vivian Salzman showing a female superhero that's new to me. Is she from the X-Men, Teen Titans, The Young Avengers? Dunno but a great drawing anyway. You should draw comic strips for DC or Marvel, Vivian!

Sophie Birritta tried and failed to get in on the live session (some technical hitch!) but later sent me this glorious image of a small truck taking an unusual route to town. Looks like Australia with the wind up!

And finally, all the way from Morocco it's Khawla and Somaya Sdour with two contrasting climates! Khawla's shivering girl is inspired but the film Frozen (If she's so cold why has she got the window open? It's a mystery that Khawla can solve for me maybe!) and her twin sister Somaya has drawn a very thirsty man in the hot desert trying to have a drink! His camel looks serenely indifferent to his plight but that's camels for ya!

The sketching gang being silly as usual. What's Fluffy doing in there? I told him he couldn't attend!
So Anna K Lange has chosen the subject for next time- Inbetween!
So, I hope to see you all on Sunday at the same time for your interpretations of that mind twister!

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