Monday, April 27, 2020

Session 7- Musical Instruments

Sunday's session was on a theme chosen by Julia Xandru- Musical Instruments to be interpreted in any way at all and sketched in one hour. Some people like to work on their drawings afterwards or do extra ones on the theme and that's OK as long as they do the main thing in one hour. So, once again we had a lovely mix of ages and nationalities from Dan Lish's daughter Elsa (8) to Alan Bartlett (ahem, cough! older than that!) all having fun sketching and chatting on Zoom until I called time when we all showed what we'd done. I'm always surprised at what can be accomplished in an hour!
Here are the results!

P.S. Next Wednesday's theme, chosen by David is "Good Morning!"
Anna Lindenburger couldn't join us for the session from Uzbekistan but later sent me this fabulous drawing of cats playing the harp. I bet it didn't sound good! 

Anne Alderson went totally to town on the theme referencing the classic artists- Renoir, Manet and Caravaggio. I love the flute player. beautiful work!

Definitely going from the sublime to the ridiculous with Dan Lish's strange amalgamation of musicians and bizarre instruments. I can almost here them! Fab!

My brother David Cemmick produced three stunning images of ethnic musicians all in biro which I find quite amazing. The middle one was darkened up a bit later which, I think gives it a bit more punch. I particularly love the hands on the right. Stunning stuff!

And another big contast for Elsa Lish's utterly charming image of a fairy on a branch playing the flute.
She seems to be high up in the clouds and perfectly content. The composition is lovely too.

Julia Xandru, who chose the subject had gone all psychedelic with her orchestra and in contrast we have a sedate woman calmly listening to her old fashioned gramophone. She drew these during the session and added colour on her mobile later.
Jools has a way with colour. Love it!

Annalisa has chosen as inspiration a photograph by the surrealist painter and photographer Man Ray
and produced two subtle pencil drawings based around the cello. Excellent!

Alan Bartlett's influence is from Flamenco dancers accompanied by a cellist in this striking composition in oil pastel (I think).

My contribution is taken from two old photos- one of a one-man-band and the other of a strange instrument made from a skull and some long horns! I looked very devilish so I added some dancing demons to the mix!

Marin Renee-Cemmick's fabulous, vibrant composition depicts the body as a musical instrument overlaying figures form dance choreography. She was trying to find the lyricism and rhythms to the form. I think that's bloody brilliant!

The gang of nutters!

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