Monday, May 25, 2020

Session 15- Native Americans

Sunday's theme for our gallant team of speed sketchers was Native Americans chosen by Andrea Salzman so off we go back to the wild wild west before the dreaded invaders arrived to cover it all in shopping malls. We explored the images of the fascinating indigenous humans of the Americas!
Anna Lindenberger kicks us off with this moccasined  beauty which she managed (somehow) to draw from scratch during the one hour live session. She draws swift as an arrow!
All the way from Morocco Khawla Sdour has sent me this gorgeous drawing of a fearsome looking warrior woman! 
Working together during the session my partners in animation Daniel Houlle and Jainie Cowham have put together this short animation of the true story of idol worship in the days of the Incas! So that's what happened!

Newcomer to the group- Anna K Lange is an old friend who I haven't seen for about 7 years. Great to see her again albeit digitally! Anyway, she's given us this striking image of a cross-eyed Red Indian! Great colours, Anna! Glad to have you join the tribe!
Anne Alderson couldn't attend the live session as she was having a pow-wow with her family but she sent me these  fabulous images later.  A noble looking Red Indian Chief and an action scene of a buffalo hunt. There were so many buffalo roaming the plains before the white man arrived that their herds would stretch from horizon to horizon. Then they were hunted to oblivion from over 60 million then to just over 30,000 now.

Emily Woolf who was away with a hunting party whilst we were sending smoke signals has given us this very kinetic sequence of drawings of one young Indian brave doing a dance. A rain dance? A war dance? An Ouch-there's-a-stone-in-my-moccasin Dance? Only Emily knows!

Then in vibrant colour Julia Xandru has sent me an image that she calls "Indian Kiss".
I've heard of a French Kiss and the Kiss of the Vampire but I have no idea what an Indian Kiss is! Perhaps you can show me Jools when next we smoke the peace pipe!

Martin Ansell who is a blood brother that I've known for many moons drew this stern looking person that we all thought was a woman but apparently is a man. Don't tell him what we said, Martin, or we'll all be wearing tomahawks in the back of our heads!

I decided to attempt another sculpture as I enjoyed doing the Minotaur so much, so here's Big Chief Wind in the Pants sporting some fabulous headgear courtesy of my local Chinese shop and my ex-flatmate's sewing kit.
Annalisa Renee sent me this lovely study of White Buffalo Calf woman who, apparently, has a whole mythology about her!

Sophie Birritta has beautifully combined a Native American portrait with one of the dreamcatchers that inspired the subject as Andrea collects them.

Vivian Salzman was working on her iPad during the session and produced these fabulous images! The purple squaw gets my vote!

The live participants. Heap big fun! Whose got the fire-water?

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