Wednesday, July 22, 2020

session 28- Nightmare!

After a short break when I was supposed to be in England but changed my mind (it's a gentleman's prerogative ya know!) So we returned at the request of Anna K Lange who likes the friendliness and the excuse to draw and we agreed on a subject- NIGHTMARE! We all have them and some of us have recurring ones. I do! Like anyone who has acted on stage (I've done Shakespeare!) there is a very common nightmare that you're on stage and it's your cue but you can't remember any lines of even what the play is! Wake up in a flat panic! The sailor's equivalent, according to my friend John, is to find yourself sailing a boat down a motorway!?! I suppose every profession has it's own recurring nightmare. But enough of my waffling and on with the art! The small but perfectly formed group of me, Anna and Jools were live and the Moroccan twins were working off line! Don't be scared! They're only drawings!
First up is the young lady who suggested the session- Anna K Lange with a rather magnificent and fearsome looking wolf! Some people are terrified of wolves or clowns and for me it used to be spiders until I was cured by cockroaches who are bigger and faster and uglier!

Then the first of our Moroccan twins- Khawla Sdour drew this very creepy scene of an unwanted visitor in the night!
Luckily, the little boy is asleep but the teddy looks a bit worried!

Kwahla's twin sister Somaya Sdour drew another very creepy scene which features a different kind of dark figure with 5 limbs! The scariest kind of monsters are the ones you can't see clearly I think, like in the first Alien film where you only had glimpses of it until the end. 
And now to my effort which doesn't really look like what it is which is old ventriloquist's dummies. I find them much creepier than clowns! There have been a couple of great films featuring these kind of humanoid figures- Dead of Night and Magic! Both dead scary!

And finally, Julia Xandru has sent me this striking image and when I asked for an explanation she said- Pot man's trap?
Er... ok. I thought it had something to do with music but Jools knows best as she drew it!
We three!

I hope your nightmares are little ones!
Love Paul
A late submission to the nightmare gallery from Vivian Salzman in Uzbekistan
with this direct and striking image! Nice one Viv!

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